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Will Rome clarify German apparitions?


About Saint Anne


Vatican okays recent 'messages' to teacher in Italy


Shrine where mystic 'heard' messages is site of phenomena


Locutionist is music teacher


Archbishop rejects Brazil 'seer' Pedro Regis


The dilemma of Akita


Model for global Catholic renewal?

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Is this what Sister Lucia meant?


The confusing, fascinating prophecies of Amsterdam


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Did Fatima seer call Mary 'co-redemptrix'?

Churches emerging from shrinking lakes

Israel's 'Wind Demon' missile

Has Church abandoned those with long covid?

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July 13 prophecy retreat: video



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Omaha bishop named in suit as alleged abuser


Bishop had destroyed Intercessors of Lamb


NY Times: yes, it was a bullet


France: sabotage!


Trump ear all healed


Survey of Latin Mass-goers shows acceptance of Vatican Two


Archaeological find confirms Bible


An oncologist's study of afterlife experiences


Ethiopia landslide may claim five hundred lives


House in unanimous vote to investigate assassination attempt


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The Practice of Humility: 60 Lessons on the Virtue of Virtues


Health watch: is milk good for you?


Eucharistic Congress versus political convention


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